Thursday, January 15, 2009

Speech and other things..

So not a lot to report of any real significance. The China blog was so full of these huge firsts and monumental events that I tend not to blog when we have just a normal day...but a normal day is something monumental in itself, isnt it? Just being able to say that a day was just an average day with a little girl who has known three mothers in just 2.5 years is in honor of Jerry Seinfeld...lets hear it for days about NOTHING!

We got up today after a great scrimmage on the ice last is always interesting when Rob and I are on different sides of the ice and makes for some interesting stories when we end up fighting over a puck in the corner. Dont all married couples chase after each other on the ice and hit each other with sticks?

Both boys are off to school and we went to Molly's speech therapy session. She did a great job and is reacting to more and more sound..sounds I didnt think she could hear, well, she can and we have seen just over the past three weeks that she is figuring out "how" to listen. I dont know where her hearing level is unaided...but aided she is doing great and her speech therapist thinks the best thing for her is to get her in a mainstream preschool. Of course, we still need to hear from an audiologist and ENT...but I am continually amazed at what Molly can hear sometimes. I sure wish I knew what her hearing level was! Maybe one day!

We did find the perfect preschool for her at a local church...and will go by and see about securing her a spot for a few days a week in the fall.

Well, thats about it. Molly is wrapping up her nap and the boys have escaped to go play at the neighbors. I am going to wrap up cleaning the house and perhaps sneak out tonight for some pick up hockey!

Here's to a day about NOTHING! Didnt think we would have reached "normal" as fast as we seem to have!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I want to see new pictures! Was that pushy???