Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gotcha Plus Seven - Two more days and a wake up!

Rob and I are sitting here in our hotel room at the White Swan as the Little Empress (Rob's name for her after her first tantrum) naps quietly. While all the other parents creep quietly around their hotel rooms during nap time all we do is take off Molly's hearing aids and then make as much noise as we want. I wouldn't be so bold as to call it a benefit to having a deaf daughter..but it has certainly been convenient while we are on this trip.

Today we ate breakfast as usual and did a little sight seeing. I don't know about the other families here but this mom is ready to tour the inside of her house. I have officially gone longer than I have ever gone without my boys and I am ready to go home. This is the old case of "get-home-itis" and I have a bad case of it. Rob is still enjoying China and being unplugged from real life.

Molly is continuing to find herself and has voiced her opinion when she is not happy as she did yesterday. She is quick to take corrections though and understands more than we ever assumed a little girl who cant hear and doesn't speak the language would. I think we may actually have a leg up on the couples with hearing kids since Molly has had to learn to communicate without speech and is incredibly intuitive. You can ask my boys, when I mean business it shows on my face and Molly has picked up on that quite well.

Tonight we will eat dinner at the infamous Lucy's with another couple we met here in Guangzhou. Tomorrow we sit by the phone as Judy, our facilitator, delivers our paperwork to the consulate and I'm sure we will be making a few trips to the play room and maybe even the indoor pool.

I'm allowing myself to actually think about the trip home and getting excited about seeing friends and family and getting back on the ice too!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

When I read your blog ,I almost cry~~
Molly is turned to be a very happy girl in Guangzhou and she loves her JunRen Rob father.
Blessing Molly.
Blessing your sweet family.
I miss you all.
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